Latest News on Missing Flight MH 370

Follow All the Latest News on Missing Flight MH 370



The Malaysia Airlines flight MH370 from Kuala Lumpur to Beijing lost on 8 March 2014.

12:41 a.m.: Malaysia Airlines Flight MH370 takes off from Kuala Lumpur International Airport in Malaysia heading for Beijing, China. The plane shows up on radar two minutes after taking off.

The plane has traveled four Chinese engineer and businessman who had been transported a top-secret, ultra modern strategic management plans for missile and electronic components to Beijing. They were  business partners of mr. Rotchild- according to the news.

The first news also appeared, later, not a single word was mentioned that 4 or 5 passengers ‘missed’ boarding. In particular, because the check-in took place and their luggage were also on the plane! These packages are removed from the plane before departure! Or someone others … The mysterious passengers disappeared and never, no one listened to them. The persons remain unknown.

– 12.41 éjjel: Malaysia Airlines MH370-es járat (Boeing 777-es) felszállt Kuala Lumpur International Airport  Malaysia-ról Peking, Kína irányába. A gép 2 percig volt látható a radaron.

A gépen 4 kínai mérnök-üzletember utazott, akik egy szupertitkos és ultramodern hadászati rakétairányítás terveit és elektronikai alkatrészeit szállították volna Pekingbe. Ők – a hírek szerint – mr. Rotschild üzlettársai voltak.

Az első hírekben még szerepelt, később egyetlen szó sem esett arról, hogy 4, vagy 5 utas “lekéste” a beszállást. Különös, mert a check-in megtörtént  és a csomagjaik is a gépre kerültek! Ezeket a csomagokat még az indulás előtt eltávolították a gép rakteréből! Vagy valaki másokét… A titokzatos utasok eltűntek és soha, senki nem hallgatta ki őket. Személyük ismeretlen maradt.



Not an accident!




  • – 12.41 éjjel: Malaysia Airlines MH370-es járat (Boeing 777-es) felszállt Kuala Lumpur International Airport  Malaysia-ról Peking, Kína irányába. A gép 2 percig látszott a radaron.


  • 1:07 a.m.: The last automated data transmission is sent from the plane. U.S officials told ABC News they believe that sometime after this transmission the data reporting system was shut down. Sometime after this transmission Kuala Lumpur’s air traffic control tells the plane’s pilot they are handing off to air traffic control based in Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam. The pilot responds, “All right. Good night.”
  • – 1.07 éjjel: 26 perc repülés után az utolsó adatok érkeztek a gép automatikus transzponderéről. U.S. szakértők szerint ezt követően a transzponder kikapcsolt. Majd később a Kuala Lumpur légi irányítás közölte a pilótákkal, hogy átadta a gépet Ho-Chi-Minh City, Vietnam légiirányításának. A pilóták válasza: “Rendben, jó éjt!”)


  • – 1:21 a.m.: The plane’s transponder, which transmits location and altitude, shuts down. Sources told ABC News that U.S. officials are “convinced that there was a manual intervention.”
  • – 1.21 éjjel: 40 perc repülés után, 900 km/h utazó-sebességnél a gép transzpondere (amely a helyzetet továbbította a légi irányítás számára) lekapcsolt. U.S. hivatalos nyilatkozata az ABC News számára: “a beavatkozás manuálisan történt”.


  • – 1:22 a.m.: MH370 should have come to the navigational way-point called Igari point. Before it reached this point, Vietnamese air traffic control noticed they had lost contact with MH370, according to the Vietnam’s Civil Aviation Authority.
  • – 1.22 éjjel: az MH370 az Igari Pont-nak nevezett navigációs pont felé tartott, de mielőtt elérte volna, a vietnami légi irányítás jelezte, hogy elvesztették a kapcsolatot a géppel (a Vietnam’s Civil Aviation Authority szerint).
  • – 1:30 a.m.: The last moment that the plane was seen by Malaysian radar.
  • – 1:30 éjjel: a gép utoljára látszott a maláj légi irányítás radarján
  • – 1:38 a.m.: Air traffic control in Ho Chi Minh City informs Kuala Lumpur air traffic control about the signal loss. Ho Chi Minh City asks two other planes to contact MH370. Neither plane is able to raise the pilot of MH370. At least of the planes report getting a “buzz signal” and no voices, then losing the signal.

At this time the plane has turned westward, toward India. Meanwhile it descended below radar detection height and avoided the Malay populated areas. There were took the control of the plane from the outside –  based on the information later.

  • – 1:38 éjjel: Ho-Chi-Minh City légi irányítás tájékoztatta Kuala Lumpurt, hogy elvesztették a gép jelét. Vietnam felkért 2 közeli gépet, hogy vegyék fel a kapcsolatot az MH370-nel. Az egyik el is érte a pilótát, de végül csak zaj érkezett, hang nélkül, azután teljesen elveszett a jel.

Valamikor ebben az időben fordult a gép nyugati irányba, India felé. Közben a radarok érzékelési magassága alá ereszkedett és elkerülte a maláj lakott területeket is. A későbbi információk alapján kívülről átvették a gép irányítását.

-2:15 a.m.: A Malaysian military defense radar pick up a plane that is hundreds of miles west of MH370’s last contact point. It’s unclear if that is the missing plane

In the same time has been see an English couple (who was on the Southern Indian Ocean sailing on yacht and was headed toward to Malaysia.) The MH370 was already in flames and thick black smoke, and two other aircraft “pulled” behind.
The attendants were fighters.

  • – 2:15 éjjel: A maláj katonai-légvédelmi radar több száz mérföld távolságból érzékelte a gépet, Nyugatra az utolsó kapcsolati ponttól. Az tisztázatlan, hogy a gép azonos volt-e az eltűnt géppel.

Körül-belül ekkor láthatta a gépet az angol házaspár, akik yachjukkal a Dél-Indiai Óceánon éppen Malaysia felé tartottak. Az MH370 ekkor már lángokban állt, és sűrű, fekete füstöt, valamint 2 másik repülőgépet “húzott” maga után.


A kísérők feltehetően vadászgépek voltak.




British woman Katherine Tee is saying she spotted what she believes is the missing Malaysian Air flight MH370 while she was sailing.

She saw in early March, but is only now coming forward because she did not believe her eyes at the time.

Tee said that while she and her husband Marc Horn were sailing across the Indian Ocean from India to Thailand, she spotted what looked like a plane on fire during the night of March 7. She thought she was hallucinating, but after the media coverage, she looked up the flight plan of the aircraft and discovered their journeys intersected, Business Insider reports.

“It caught my attention because I had never seen a plane with orange lights before so I wondered what they were,” Tee said. “It looked longer than planes usually do. There was what appeared to be black smoke behind it. Since that’s not something you see every day, I questioned my mind. I was looking at what appeared to be an elongated plane glowing bright orange, with a trail of black smoke behind it. It did occur to me that it might be a meteorite. But I thought it was more likely that I was going insane.”

The more interesting observation Tee made was that the plane was not alone.

“There were two other planes well above it — moving the other way — at the time,” she said. “They had normal navigation lights. I remember thinking that if it was a plane on fire that I was seeing, the other aircraft would report it.”

Since authorities still haven’t found the plane, Tee feels bad for not saying something sooner.

“Will this help the authorities of the families get closure? I have no idea … but I chose to sweep it under the carpet and now I feel really bad,” she said. ”Maybe I should have had a little more confidence in myself. I am sorry I didn’t take action sooner.”

The search for the missing flight still continues.

Woman Claims She Saw Missing Malaysian Air Flight While Sailing In Indian Ocean




Misleading search off the coast of Australia:



While the search in process by the coast of Australia, the debrishes of the flight MH370 and the body of the passangers have removed and destroyed…






About joefe777

I'm the son of Atilla, who was the great king of the huns. I'm a quantumchemist, chartographer, engeneer in photo-semiconductors...and many more
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1 Response to Latest News on Missing Flight MH 370

  1. szaboneagi says:

    Ez nagyon profi 🙂


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